
presentations as code

author cool slide decks, text-only, offline-ready, collaborative

Try Markdeck


  • converts markdown to a clean html5 slide deck
  • cool looking: based on battle-proven web frameworks, like reveal.js
  • no uplink required, neither when authoring, nor presenting:
    no awkward moments during presentation (no "I am still waiting for the Internet, sorry!")
  • batteries included: live renderer, pdf output, asciiart-converter
  • text-only, easy syntax: just markdown
  • fast-n-easy to write: bring your own editor!
  • easy to collaborate-n-reuse: text-only, so bring your own VCS
  • eye-candy: supports unicode, emojis, fontawesome, asciiart, math, charts, code highlighting, recorded terminal sessions, ...
  • self-documenting documentation slides:
    see the slide source and the result, side-by-side

Showcase "Hello World"

markdown source:
title: markdeck scaffold
pdf: markdeck-scaffold.pdf
slideNumber: true
controls: true

# first slide {bg=#eee}

made with [markdeck]({target="_blank"}

[markdeck]: {"fill": "Teal", "fillStyle": "solid"}

interesting links:
  [your main deck](/){target="_parent"}
• [markdown/slide side-by-side](/explain.html)
• [utilities](//localhost:8081/){target="_blank"}

⚪ ⚪ ⚪
resulting html deck:

Showcase "AsciiArt"

markdown source:
| Node A                      |
|                             |
| +----------+   +----------+ |
| |          |   |          | |
| | Frontend |   | Foo      | |
| |          |   |          | |
| |          |   | {s}      | |
| +-----+----+   +----------+ |
|       ^                     |
|       |                     |
|       \-service-\           |
|                 |           |
| Node B          |           |
|       /---------/           |
|       |                     |
|       v                     |
| +-----+----+   +=---------+ |
| |          |   |          | |
| | Frontend |   | Bar      | |
| |          |   |          | |
| |          |   | {s}      | |
| +----------+   +----------+ |
converted into images, auto-magically and on-the-fly!

Based on

markdown, pandoc, reveal.js, plantuml, ditaamini, graphviz, asciinema, decktape, vega-lite, math-jax, font-awesome, ...