# the markdown basics {bgcss=sea-gradient .light-on-dark} part of the [markdeck docs](https://github.com/arnehilmann/markdeck/blob/master/DOCUMENTATION.md){target="_parent"} | | to proceed to the next slide,
press 'space', 'cursor right', or
click the nervous arrow at the edge.
# self-documenting {bg=#123456 .light-on-dark} You find the source of the current slide on the right side, and the rendered result on the left.\* ```render_a2s #------------------#------------# | : | | rendered | slide | | slide | source | | | | | | | | | | #------------------#------------# ``` | | \*: the only case where ```iframe```s are appropriate. # source files You can put all your slides in one ```slides.md``` file or you split them into different files (e.g. ```slides-part-1.md, slides-part-2.md, ...```) all files matching ```slide*.md``` are source files # a new slide To begin a new slide, simply type a `#` followed by the headline # empty headlines are allowed, too
(just add a single space after the `#`) # layout basics All content gets centered and scaled to fit nicely into the browser window. # markdown syntax 101 Normal text renders as normal text.tadahh Single newlines get removed. To actually start a new paragraph, insert an empty line. # lists unordered * item a * item b ordered 1. item a 1. item b Note the automagical numbering # markup _emphasized text_ # links [link to other slide](#code) [link to external url](https://arnehilmann.github.io/markdeck/){target="_blank"} ![images](assets/buddy-egyptian.svg) # official definitions [markdown syntax](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax){target="_blank"} [pandoc extensions](https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#pandocs-markdown){target="_blank"} # code ```java public static final void main(String[] args) { // ... } ``` [list of all known languages](https://highlightjs.org/static/demo/){target="_blank"} # eye candy unicode: ♥ emojis: 😎 font-awesome: ![](fab fa-github) # local helper You can find a set of frequently used unicode characters, emojis, asciiart editors, and gradient tools [on the helper pages](http://localhost:8081/){target="_blank"}. # raw html if in dire need, you can still add raw html:
``` to force a line break `````` for small font | | ```|``` for vertical space # next steps find more [documentation](https://github.com/arnehilmann/markdeck/blob/master/DOCUMENTATION.md#self-documenting-documentation-slides){target="_parent"}, esp. slide design and metadata