# the slide layout {bgcss=sea-gradient .light-on-dark} part of the [markdeck docs](https://github.com/arnehilmann/markdeck/blob/master/DOCUMENTATION.md){target="_parent"} | | to proceed to the next slide,
press 'space', 'cursor right', or
click the nervous arrow at the edge.
# self-documenting {bg=#123456 .light-on-dark} You find the source of the current slide on the right side, and the rendered result on the left.\* ```render_a2s #------------------#------------# | : | | rendered | slide | | slide | source | | | | | | | | | | #------------------#------------# ``` | | \*: the only case where ```iframe```s are appropriate. # slide background - solid color {bg=#222244} With the `bg` attribute, you can specify the background color of a slide. here: `bg=#222244` # slide background - image {bg=#222244;assets/bgimage.jpg} With the `bg` attribute, you can specify a background image for the slide: after the definition for the solid color, separated by a semicolon. here: `bg=#222244;assets/bgimage.jpg` # slide background - css TODO # next steps find more [documentation](https://github.com/arnehilmann/markdeck/blob/master/DOCUMENTATION.md#self-documenting-documentation-slides){target="_parent"}